(someone) don’t you have an elder at home? The person talking is an aged man. Don’t you have respect for elders?
(He turn to Baba that’s talking) please daddy continue your words, we are sorry sir.
OLD MAN:- Then it hit my mind that our lives are just like that, our clock is ticking down every day, one thing we don’t know is how much time is left on the clock.
(IN THE CROWD) hmm… And that is the truth.
OLD MAN:- Charles Spurgeon said for one moment to the ticking of that clock, it’s the beating on pulse of eternity. It’s the footsteps of death pursuing you! Each time the clock ticks, death’s footsteps are falling on the ground closer behind you.
(IN THE CROWD) hmm…. And one day it will catch up with every one of us. Whether we like it or not.
OLD MAN;- God warns us that we should be making the most of every minutes we have. (redeeming the time, because days are evil Ephesians 5:16)
We are living in an evil time,
Many things that are happening nowadays, many of us thought it would never happen in our life time, and yet they are happening.
(All attention is on the old man talking, he looked up)