Imagination is a gift that God has given you, He wants you to use it productively. So, start now and grow the seed of good health, favor, faith and mercy of God upon this nation, in your imagination. In addition, those dream seeds will fire your enthusiasm and cause miracles and blessings to flow in your life. Yes, even beyond anything you’ve ever dreamt or imagined.
Information/Imagination by Moses Adebayo
(Janet drives back home from work very tired and exhausted. Weakly, she parks the car and manages to get herself into the house. A voice is heard from outside.)
JAMES: (Talking as he comes into the living room) Janet, where are you? In the kitchen? (He opens the door and finds her sprawled on the sofa. He is shocked) What happened to you?
JANET: Honey, I’m tired. I’m so tired.
JAMES: Oh, sorry dear. What are we having for supper tonight?
JANET: Oh! Honey, I can’t prepare supper tonight. I had a really stressful day at the office. My feet are killing me, my back is acting up again and I got stuck in a terrible traffic jam on my way home.
JAMES: (Still looking at her) What then can we do now?
JANET: Would you mind finding something for yourself?
JAMES: Okay, I will. I’ll even prepare something for you too.
JANET: (Smiling) Thank you honey, but don’t worry about my own. L need to rest.
JAMES: (He stumbles into the kitchen and opens the fridge. The phone rings. He picks the call) Yes, hello?
RACHAEL: Hi James, this is Rachael, may I speak with Janet?
JAMES: Well, Janet is really too tired to pick any call right now, but I will tell her that you called.
RACHAEL: But please, this is too important. Please let me talk to her for just one minute.
JAMES: (He holds the call, goes to his wife and hands her the phone.) Rachael wants to talk to you. She said it’s important.